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ConsumptionOver the last one hundred years, the use of fossil fuel has grown thirty times, and industrial production has grown fifty times. More land has been cleared for settled cultivation than in all the previous centuries of human existence combined. Demand for wood and the over-farming of marginal land has resulted in erosion. Since 1950, the world has lost 20% of its topsoil from its agricultural land, and 20% from tropical forests. Soil is washed away during violent storms. ![]() Although developing countries represent a greater proportion of the world's population and are responsible for significant environmental damage overall, it is the developed nations that have caused the most damage. The developed world makes up only 20% of the world's population, yet consumes 85% of its resources. The average person in the developed world uses forty times more energy than someone in the developing world. If the developing world were to demand equal energy consumption from the combustion of fossil fuels and access to the same level of resources, it is doubtful that the Earth would cope. Growth in population means growth in consumption and a greater demand on natural resources for production. Even if consumption in the developed world can be reduced, population growth in the developing world will raise the level of consumption of these resources. Because natural resources such as fossil fuels, fresh water, minerals and agricultural land are finite, further demand will result in increased costs for everyone. Some essential minerals such as mercury or silver may run out altogether. Unsustainable development in developing countries is linked to the sale of their natural resources to developed countries and the consumption of these resources by people in developed countries. The three causes of unsustainable development in developing countries are growth in world population, a rise in energy consumption in developed countries, and increased resource consumption in developed countries. The solution is a combination of reduced consumerism in the developed world, and reducing population growth in the developing world. Improved management of resources is a necessity. As consumers, we have the power in our pockets and purses to change the world. Each time we buy something, we are casting a vote. Each purchase is a direct encouragement to the manufacturers to make similar items. In addition, by avoiding products which are harmful to the planet, you are sending a clear message to their manufacturers which states, 'Either you make your product environmentally friendly or you'll go out of business!' By spending on green products, you are supporting better initiatives. The production of goods often involves cruel, wasteful or damaging uses of resources. For example, factory-farmed meat, throwaway containers used in fast food cafes, over packaged goods and big petrol-guzzling cars. Use cotton handkerchiefs or cloth instead of paper kitchen rolls. If buying wood, ask the supplier if their products are from sustainably managed forests. Consume sustainable products of rainforests such as Brazil nuts. Obtain a sturdy shopping bag or re-use old plastic bags. If your cat or dog is neutered, it will cut down on the strays and unwanted animals which have such a destructive impact on nature. What you can do As consumers, we have the power in our pockets and purses to change the world. Each time we buy something, we are casting a vote. Each purchase is a direct encouragement to the manufacturers to make similar items. In addition, by avoiding products which are harmful to the planet, you are sending a clear message to their manufacturers which states, 'Either you make your product environmentally friendly or you'll go out of business!' By spending on green products, you are supporting better initiatives. ![]() The production of goods often involves cruel, wasteful or damaging uses of resources. For example, factory-farmed meat, throwaway containers used in fast food cafes, over packaged goods and big petrol-guzzling cars. Use cotton handkerchiefs or cloth instead of paper kitchen rolls. If buying wood, ask the supplier if their products are from sustainably managed forests. Consume sustainable products of rainforests such as Brazil nuts. Obtain a sturdy shopping bag or re-use old plastic bags. If your cat or dog is neutered, it will cut down on the strays and unwanted animals which have such a destructive impact on nature. Write a letter or email to manufacturers, supermarket chains and shop owners. Let them know the changes that you would like to see, such as less packaging or more organic foods. If they don't have your opinion, they won't know where they are going wrong. Write a letter or email your Government representative, urge him or her to introduce the proper labelling of the contents of products, and a standard for environmentally friendly products. ![]() Write a letter or email to the editor of your local newspaper; urge him or her to publish your concerns about local consumption and recycling issues. Buy recycled non-chlorine bleached paper products. Go for the greenest product, but be aware, not every green product is necessarily the best thing for the planet. Products that have to be transported around the world may not be as environmentally friendly as products produced locally. Buy in bulk. Buy organic food. Be alert! Some manufacturers declare their products to be green when they are not. Consume vegetarian food, or at least consider where your meat comes from. Buy in bulk to save on packaging. Use your laundry rinse water on the garden, and kitchen waste water if it is free of grease and toxic detergent. Health departments are sensitive about the re-use of bath and shower water for several reasons. Check with your local authority and ask what plans they have to introduce sophisticated grey water and sewage water recycling. Advocate safe and efficient recycling of more waste water. Learn about the effect of advertising and marketing on yourself and your children. Critical thinking skills are taught at some universities and adult education centres. Critical thinking enables you to distinguish the truth from the lies and argue a point of view rationally. Be a good example. Involve your children in creative activities. Teach your children about nature and our connection with the natural world. Explain where things come from; who made them; what they are made of. Restrict the use of television or get rid of the TV altogether. As an alternative see plays, films and art exhibitions. Engage in creative, social and participatory activities such as storytelling, poetry or playing in a band. Have fun with play. Remove logos from clothes. Make things. Grow your own food. Get back to nature by going camping. ![]() Think before buying goods. Don't buy unnecessary items or disposable goods. Don't be wasteful with food, clothing, and energy - turn off lights. Reside where you are not car-dependent or can reduce car travel. Design and build your house for energy efficiency. Use solar panels or insulation, and appropriate materials. Reuse old items, and recycle wherever possible. In arid regions, install a water tank to collect rainwater and roof run-off. If you are unsure about any products, telephone your local consumer organisation. Links: The History of Mass Consumption The Causes of Mass Consumption The Effects of Mass ConsumptionSearch our database for the contact details of organizations that directly address Consumption |