I am a wholistic scientist and my mission is to build a sustainable global society.
I monitor the state of health of the Earth.
I look at the environmental problems - the known causes and possible effects - and offer remedies to fix the problems.
In every period of human history the truth is interpreted differently. Where previously all we had was religion and superstition to guide us, we now have science.
Earth has a long history. Changes appear to occur slowly when measured on a day-to-day level. But when measured over a generation or two, changes actually occur rapidly.
Time is relative: measured in tens of years by individuals in terms of a human life span; measured in hundreds or thousands of years by historians in terms of generations of human activity; measured in millions of years by natural historians in terms of evolutionary and geological change; and measured in billions of years by cosmologists in terms of the formation of the earth and universe.
Who are the Grim Reaper and the Green Sower?
The Green Sower and Grim Reaper are positive and negative energies created at the start of the Universe, at the big bang, and working in opposition.
The Grim Reaper works to extinguish life on all planets and stop it evolving, developing intelligence and spreading throughout the Universe. The Green Sower works to facilitate life spreading throughout the Universe. Each tries to out-manoeuvre the other.
Their energies should be in balance but sometimes one will get the upper hand. Currently, the Grim Reaper has the upper hand on Earth because life is being destroyed and its complexity undermined faster than it can evolve and diversify.
To achieve their respective ends on Earth they use humans as tools. They try to sabotage each others plans whenever they get the chance.
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper is death - the dark side. His mission is to extinguish life wherever it arises and stop it spreading throughout the universe. He represents the worst scenario for all life, including humans.
He organises the problems affecting the environment, but he cannot destroy life directly. He must organise destruction by creating the right conditions. For example, he can fiddle with gravity to pull a celestial object such as a passing meteorite into a planets gravitational field and make it crash; he can fiddle with the weather to trigger an ice age or over-heating of a planet; or he can get into people’s heads and fiddle with their thoughts to make them do his bidding, or he can make deals with people in power and get them to do things in return for his help.
He travels the universe searching out life and creating the conditions for its demise. He cannot rest until he has achieved his goal - the total destruction of life on all planets in the Universe.
Until the Green Sower arrived on Earth about 100,000 years ago the Grim Reaper had caused much destruction – five major extinctions. About 250 million years ago he caused a meteorite to wipe out 90% of all life; about 65 million years ago he caused an asteroid to wipe out the dinosaurs; and he has caused two ice ages and a global warming to nearly destroy life on Earth.
Each attempt failed. The Green Sower made sure that life bounced back – by evolving and diversifying after each of the Grim Reaper's actions.
After the fifth mass extinction the Grim Reaper left Earth to stamp out emerging life on other planets.
While he was away the Green Sower arrived and began his work encouraging life to evolve, diversify and become conscious.
The Grim Reaper is currently using humans as tools in his ongoing attempts to wipe out life on Earth. He knows that humans have enormous appetites and in large numbers will squeeze out all the other species from the planet; suffocating the Earth until it dies. He knows humans in large numbers are toxic to the planet and he has been intentionally growing them – feeding them apathy, fertilising them with greed, and stroking their egos.
The Grim Reaper uses the greed within all humans as a mechanism to kill life on Earth. He controls the minds of some powerful and wealthy people. He controls the people who own the corporations and most of the politicians. He has recruited the commercial television channels, and many of the radio stations and newspapers. Through his control of the people who own them he induces apathy in the general population. He uses mass media as a form of mind control to pacify people. He uses sport, sex, soaps and other trivia to distract people from thinking and doing something. He reasons that if he can keep the mob happy - preoccupied with meaningless things - and if he can keep them breeding and consuming, then eventually they will kill the planet and themselves. Through advertisements he encourages greater consumption and waste and greater population growth and urban sprawl.
The Green Sower
The Green Sower's mission is to expand and diversify life on the Earth and throughout the Universe. The Earth is the only planet in the Universe to have developed complex forms of life and humans are the only species to have developed intelligence, self awareness and consciousness.
The Green Sower represents the best scenario for life and humans. He knows that humans are the best opportunity that life has to spread throughout the Universe. They have the intelligence to develop space travel and to take life to other planets where it will grow. He wants humans to survive to seed the Universe with life. But he sees humans killing all the other species of life on Earth. The environment sustains humans and without a healthy environment they won't survive. If humans don’t find the wisdom to manage the environment, it leaves him with a big problem. He fears that their destructiveness will cause them to wipe out most of the life on the Earth and wipe themselves out in the process. This would ruin his plan.
If humans continue breeding and consuming beyond the capacity of the Earth to cope, then humans will become extinct.
He knows that if humans destroy themselves, a new form of life will evolve and take their place. But this will take millions of years. He has put a lot of effort into creating diversity of life on Earth. He is pleased with his work and isn’t going to let humans ruin it.
He sees humans as the best chance life has in spreading to other galaxies and so he doesn’t want them to kill themselves. But he also sees humans as pests that are killing the Earth - his best project so far. He knows that if humans become extinct there will be a replacement species (he has the cockroach in mind). Another species will come along in millions of years (a length of time that is nothing for him) that will manage the Earth better and go on to take life to the nearest galaxies. He can wait for a more intelligent replacement species to evolve because he has the time - the Green Sower and Grim Reaper are immortal. But he would prefer not to have to wait. Maybe he will do it better next time – that is create a species with intelligence and wisdom.
The Green Sower knows that in only one hundred years humans will be able to build rockets the size of ocean liners - cruise ships which will transport hundreds of people and thousands of plants and animals out of our solar system to the nearest inhabitable planet and on to colonise the Universe. Until then he know that humans must look after nature better. He thinks humans breed too fast for their own good and must reduce the size of their population, and their domestic animals and pets. He calls on humans to consume less because he knows their huge appetite for resources for making cities, farms, cars and roads is destroying habitats.
The Green Sower began helping homo sapiens develop. He left little hints, such as leaving handy pieces of flint around which were used to make fire, wheels for a cart, and other handy objects. He also provided iron and copper to make metal items. He encouraged migration out of Africa, provided the seeds for agriculture and ideas for industry.
He encourages people to protect the Earth and in doing so save themselves. He offers solutions and creates a sense of urgency. He tries to get people to understand that they are causing serious environmental problems. In particular, he challenges the people who have been hypnotised by the Grim Reaper into destroying life. He is not happy they have become co-opted by the Grim Reaper.
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Dr Eco FreakoHello. I am Dr Eco Freako. ![]() I am a wholistic scientist and my mission is to build a sustainable global society. I monitor the state of health of the Earth. I look at the environmental problems - the known causes and possible effects - and offer remedies to fix the problems. In every period of human history the truth is interpreted differently. Where previously all we had was religion and superstition to guide us, we now have science. Earth has a long history. Changes appear to occur slowly when measured on a day-to-day level. But when measured over a generation or two, changes actually occur rapidly. Time is relative: measured in tens of years by individuals in terms of a human life span; measured in hundreds or thousands of years by historians in terms of generations of human activity; measured in millions of years by natural historians in terms of evolutionary and geological change; and measured in billions of years by cosmologists in terms of the formation of the earth and universe. Who are the Grim Reaper and the Green Sower? ![]() The Green Sower and Grim Reaper are positive and negative energies created at the start of the Universe, at the big bang, and working in opposition. The Grim Reaper works to extinguish life on all planets and stop it evolving, developing intelligence and spreading throughout the Universe. The Green Sower works to facilitate life spreading throughout the Universe. Each tries to out-manoeuvre the other. Their energies should be in balance but sometimes one will get the upper hand. Currently, the Grim Reaper has the upper hand on Earth because life is being destroyed and its complexity undermined faster than it can evolve and diversify. To achieve their respective ends on Earth they use humans as tools. They try to sabotage each others plans whenever they get the chance. The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper is death - the dark side. His mission is to extinguish life wherever it arises and stop it spreading throughout the universe. He represents the worst scenario for all life, including humans. ![]() He organises the problems affecting the environment, but he cannot destroy life directly. He must organise destruction by creating the right conditions. For example, he can fiddle with gravity to pull a celestial object such as a passing meteorite into a planets gravitational field and make it crash; he can fiddle with the weather to trigger an ice age or over-heating of a planet; or he can get into people’s heads and fiddle with their thoughts to make them do his bidding, or he can make deals with people in power and get them to do things in return for his help. He travels the universe searching out life and creating the conditions for its demise. He cannot rest until he has achieved his goal - the total destruction of life on all planets in the Universe. Until the Green Sower arrived on Earth about 100,000 years ago the Grim Reaper had caused much destruction – five major extinctions. About 250 million years ago he caused a meteorite to wipe out 90% of all life; about 65 million years ago he caused an asteroid to wipe out the dinosaurs; and he has caused two ice ages and a global warming to nearly destroy life on Earth. Each attempt failed. The Green Sower made sure that life bounced back – by evolving and diversifying after each of the Grim Reaper's actions. After the fifth mass extinction the Grim Reaper left Earth to stamp out emerging life on other planets. While he was away the Green Sower arrived and began his work encouraging life to evolve, diversify and become conscious. The Grim Reaper is currently using humans as tools in his ongoing attempts to wipe out life on Earth. He knows that humans have enormous appetites and in large numbers will squeeze out all the other species from the planet; suffocating the Earth until it dies. He knows humans in large numbers are toxic to the planet and he has been intentionally growing them – feeding them apathy, fertilising them with greed, and stroking their egos. The Grim Reaper uses the greed within all humans as a mechanism to kill life on Earth. He controls the minds of some powerful and wealthy people. He controls the people who own the corporations and most of the politicians. He has recruited the commercial television channels, and many of the radio stations and newspapers. Through his control of the people who own them he induces apathy in the general population. He uses mass media as a form of mind control to pacify people. He uses sport, sex, soaps and other trivia to distract people from thinking and doing something. He reasons that if he can keep the mob happy - preoccupied with meaningless things - and if he can keep them breeding and consuming, then eventually they will kill the planet and themselves. Through advertisements he encourages greater consumption and waste and greater population growth and urban sprawl. The Green Sower The Green Sower's mission is to expand and diversify life on the Earth and throughout the Universe. The Earth is the only planet in the Universe to have developed complex forms of life and humans are the only species to have developed intelligence, self awareness and consciousness. ![]() The Green Sower represents the best scenario for life and humans. He knows that humans are the best opportunity that life has to spread throughout the Universe. They have the intelligence to develop space travel and to take life to other planets where it will grow. He wants humans to survive to seed the Universe with life. But he sees humans killing all the other species of life on Earth. The environment sustains humans and without a healthy environment they won't survive. If humans don’t find the wisdom to manage the environment, it leaves him with a big problem. He fears that their destructiveness will cause them to wipe out most of the life on the Earth and wipe themselves out in the process. This would ruin his plan. If humans continue breeding and consuming beyond the capacity of the Earth to cope, then humans will become extinct. He knows that if humans destroy themselves, a new form of life will evolve and take their place. But this will take millions of years. He has put a lot of effort into creating diversity of life on Earth. He is pleased with his work and isn’t going to let humans ruin it. ![]() He sees humans as the best chance life has in spreading to other galaxies and so he doesn’t want them to kill themselves. But he also sees humans as pests that are killing the Earth - his best project so far. He knows that if humans become extinct there will be a replacement species (he has the cockroach in mind). Another species will come along in millions of years (a length of time that is nothing for him) that will manage the Earth better and go on to take life to the nearest galaxies. He can wait for a more intelligent replacement species to evolve because he has the time - the Green Sower and Grim Reaper are immortal. But he would prefer not to have to wait. Maybe he will do it better next time – that is create a species with intelligence and wisdom. The Green Sower knows that in only one hundred years humans will be able to build rockets the size of ocean liners - cruise ships which will transport hundreds of people and thousands of plants and animals out of our solar system to the nearest inhabitable planet and on to colonise the Universe. Until then he know that humans must look after nature better. He thinks humans breed too fast for their own good and must reduce the size of their population, and their domestic animals and pets. He calls on humans to consume less because he knows their huge appetite for resources for making cities, farms, cars and roads is destroying habitats. The Green Sower began helping homo sapiens develop. He left little hints, such as leaving handy pieces of flint around which were used to make fire, wheels for a cart, and other handy objects. He also provided iron and copper to make metal items. He encouraged migration out of Africa, provided the seeds for agriculture and ideas for industry. He encourages people to protect the Earth and in doing so save themselves. He offers solutions and creates a sense of urgency. He tries to get people to understand that they are causing serious environmental problems. In particular, he challenges the people who have been hypnotised by the Grim Reaper into destroying life. He is not happy they have become co-opted by the Grim Reaper. |