This is a health database that may be useful for:



Anyone in the field of:




The health-environment database contains the details on thousands of chemicals and the symptom or diseases they cause. It also provides useful information on the self-management and treatment of these illnesses.


This database is unique in that it focuses on the causes. One of the most important things a person can do for their illness is to identify and then remove its cause. No other database website focuses on the cause-effect relationship of illness in such a comprehensive way.


How it works

This is a many-to-many relationship database. Click on a cause and you will get a list of symptoms or diseases that result from that cause. Click on a symptom or disease and you will get a list of its causes.

Related to each cause is a 'Description' field and a 'Mechanism' field. The 'Description' field describes the chemicals physical appearance, its uses, and some of the names that it goes under. The 'Mechanism' field explains how the chemical gets into the body.

Related to each symptom or disease is a 'Self-Help' field and a 'Treatment' field.

If you wish to bypass the causes you can bring up a list of all the symptoms or diseases and then select one.


The cause-effect, treatment and self-management of health CD-ROM

A much larger database focusing on health generally will be available soon. The cause-effect, treatment and self-management of health CD-ROM will provide information on a wider variety of causes, symptoms and diseases than is available online. It will explain the cause-effect relationship between genetics, lifestyle and the environment and diseases in humans. The CD-ROM will be for sale from October 2003.